Seed Cycling and Hormonal Health

There are four different phases in your menstrual cycle (follicular, ovulation, luteal, menstruation) + your hormone levels fluctuate over each phase. This can impact feelings and symptoms over the month. It may explain fluctuations in your sex drive, why you feel extra tired on some days, emotional on others or how hungry you feel.
If you do struggle with PMT symptoms or hormonal imbalances, then seed cycling might be for you.
Seed cycling works by providing different nutrients that benefit different stages of your cycle which can help to balance out your hormones.
Day one of your period marks the first day of your cycle, day 1-14 is classed as the follicular phase and during this phase you consume 2 tbsp of freshly ground flax + pumpkin seeds each day.
These seeds support healthy oestrogen metabolism. They are also rich in selenium and zinc which are the building blocks of hormones.
Flaxseed have also been shown to decrease androgens in women with PCOS.
In your luteal phase (day 15-28) you should eat 2 tbsp of freshly ground sunflower + sesame seeds. These seeds contain lignans and essential fats to support progesterone in the second half of your cycle, which can often be low in women especially if they are under any stress.
The nutrients in these seeds can bring balance back to your hormones. Of course there are many other factors to consider such a the health of your gut/ liver/ adrenals etc which all impact your hormones so it’s important to consider these too if your hormones are off whack.
I often use seed cycling with hormone clients to provide the raw material they need in their diet to encourage hormone balance.
Porridge + smoothies are my favourite ways to incorporate ground seeds in to my daily diet. Check out my delicious seed cycling chocolate smoothie here.