Fluffy Pancakes


Yes. Before you ask, there is such a thing as healthy pancakes and what can I say, these pancakes are a little slice of light, fluffy heaven. They only contain 4 ingredients and are super quick to make.

I usually make these little treats at the weekend. Saturdays are my absolute favourite of days. I always wake up with a sense of freedom and joy knowing I can do pretty much whatever the hell I like for the next two days. Usually this involves staying in my pyjamas for longer than is acceptable and making PANCAKES. Then spending the morning in the kitchen experimenting with new recipes.

These pancakes are my go to Saturday morning treat. I’d probably say they are eaten at more of a brunch kind of hour by the time I’ve either been to my Saturday morning yoga class (or perhaps sometimes i’ve just had a much needed lie in). Either way, these pancakes are definitely worth getting out of bed for.

These pancakes are of course no ordinary pancake they are gluten free, dairy free, refined sugar free and damn delicious certified. The egg provides protein and the banana provides natural sweetness yet does not flavour the pancake.

So grab your pinny and know that soon you will be eating a pancake  breakfast that is ACTUALLY GOOD FOR YOU.



Serves 2

2 ripe banana

2 eggs

1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed

1 tablespoon of oats

(1 dessert spoon of cacao powder for a chocolate version)

A dollop of coconut oil

Desired toppings: I love nut butter and blueberries


Add the banana, eggs, oats and flax in to a food processor and blitz for a few seconds until a smooth consistency is reached. If you like a chocolatey pancake add in the cacao powder too.

Heat the coconut oil in a small frying pan and add pancake mixture 1 tablespoon at a time to the pan and tip around until the mixture is spread evenly. I do these on quite a low heat otherwise they burn easily. You could alternatively put 2-3 tablespoons of mixture in and make bigger pancakes. If you do it will be harder to flip so you will need to keep it on a low heat until it has cooked all the way through without turning over. Or if you are brave you can try and flip (the aid of a spatula is wise). Otherwise you can make a stack of smaller pancakes. Once done, keep warm in the oven until you are ready to stack them all!

Once cooked and nicely crisp, turn out on to a plate and top with your favourite toppings


Whatever your toppings may be, enjoy every mouthful. Hopefully there is a garden to sit in and some sunshine to lap up too, and if the weather is not on your side today then pyjamas and dressing gowns are pretty awesome too.



May your day be filled with lots of things that make you happy like pancakes and sunshine 
