Seed Cycling and Hormonal Health

There are four different phases in your menstrual cycle (follicular, ovulation, luteal, menstruation) + your hormone levels fluctuate over each phase. This can impact feelings and symptoms over the month….

Reasons Why Low Fat is Not High Nutrition

Low fat is bad news Fortunately, the low fat dogma of the late 20th century and early 21st century is slowly but surely being accepted as the dreadful nutrition advice…

The 10 worst foods for your gut

The 10 worst foods for your gut More and more of us are becoming aware of the importance of gut health, we know that having a good balance in this…

15 Ways To Reduce Your Cancer Risk

We all know that drinking, smoking and drug use promotes cancer, and that environmental toxins can cause cancer, but I’d like us to all dig a little deeper, and open…


I felt that cacao deserved a whole blog post of its own to clear up any confusion over whether chocolate is in fact good for you or not. And to…

Gluten free, is it for me?

The proteins in wheat are irritants to the gut lining causing inflammation. Inflammation in the gut is responsible for causing intestinal permeability AKA leaky gut. The gut has a very…

Dairy Friend or Foe?

The purpose of today’s blog post is to try and clear up the confusion on consuming dairy once and for all. Many of you who read my blog will be aware…

Liver Detox

After all of the indulgence of Christmas I thought it would be the perfect time to share a little bit of advice with you guys on how best to detoxify…