GI Effects Stool Test


Requires stool sample.

You will receive your test kit within 2 working days of your order. Your samples need to be sent guaranteed next day delivery or via courier – (not included in price) Turnaround time for receiving results is 19 working days. We will be sent your results first and will then dispatch them to you. I offer a service to interpret your results and provide you with recommendations to improve any findings within them. 

This would require an initial consultation with us.


Health isn’t just about what you eat, it’s about what you digest and absorb! You can eat the best diet in the world but if you can’t properly break down and uptake the nutrients in your food it won’t optimally support your health.  

Good digestion relies on a carefully coordinated series of digestive actions and secretions. This is supported by a thriving community of friendly bacteria in our guts which help to break down food and keep nasty microbes at bay. A lack of any of the digestive juices, an imbalance in gut bacteria, an overgrowth of nasty microbes, or changes in how fast food moves through the digestive system can all adversely affect digestion. 

Common symptoms associated with compromised digestive function include: 

  • Heartburn 
  • Frequent burping 
  • Food feels like it is sat in the stomach for a long time 
  • Abdominal cramps or pain especially after eating 
  • Bloating 
  • Flatulence 
  • Constipation 
  • Diarrhoea 
  • Foul smelling stools or gas 
  • Intolerance to high-fat foods 
  • Pale stools that float 
  • Fatigue  
  • Brain fog

What’s more, 70% of the immune system is located in the gut. This means digestive health is directly linked to immune health. If you find yourself getting unwell regularly, or you suffer from allergies or an autoimmune disease, digestive imbalances could be a contributing factor. 

The digestive system is also an important exit route for toxins and old hormones. As a result, poor digestion is also linked to hormonal imbalances and skin conditions. A GI effects stool test is one of the most comprehensive ways to assess digestive health and function. By assessing key digestive markers this test is able to give an overview of all aspects of digestive function.  

It includes an assessment of: 

  • Fat digestion 
  • Protein digestion and pancreatic function
  • Markers for inflammation, allergic response and gut immune function 
  • Microbial balance – including an abundance of beneficial species of bacteria and presence of yeasts, mould and other bacterial species 
  • Pathogenic bacteria, yeasts and parasites 
  • The integrity of the gut lining 

A GI effects test is recommended when: You have symptoms of poor digestion (see above). 

  • You suffer from allergies. 
  • You have an autoimmune disease, for example, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Crohn’s, colitis or multiple sclerosis. 
  • You have a skin condition such as eczema, acne or psoriasis. 
  • You suffer from a hormone imbalance such as PMS, endometriosis, fibroids or polycystic ovary syndrome. 
  • You have had multiple courses or a long course of antibiotics


Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth


This test requires a sample of breath. There should be a 24 hour preparation period prior to starting the test, which should be started with a 12-hour preparation diet followed by a 12 hour overnight fast, this process will take 3 hours to collect the samples at timed intervals.

You will receive your test kit within 2 working days of your order.

Your sample needs to be sent using guaranteed next day delivery or via courier – (not included in price) 

Turnaround time for receiving results is 12 working days. We will be sent your results first and will then dispatch them to you. 

We offer a service to interpret your results and provide you with recommendations to improve any findings within them. This would require an initial consultation with us.


SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth) is a condition in which bacteria that should be in the large intestine begin to congregate in the small intestine in far higher numbers than normal. This happens when the migrating motor complex (MMC) fails to effectively sweep bacteria in the small intestine back into the large intestine between meals. Once in the small intestine, these bacteria multiply and feed off carbohydrates from food, creating gases, specifically methane and hydrogen. These gases are responsible for the SIBO symptoms which include abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence, constipation and diarrhoea. It is now thought that SIBO may be the underlying cause in many cases of IBS as well as one cause of intolerances to sucrose, fructose and lactose. Overgrowths of bacteria in the small intestine can also lead to malabsorption, pale fatty stools and anaemia. 

But SIBO can affect much more than just digestion and absorption. It is also associated with: 

  • Chronic pancreatitis 
  • Fatigue 
  • Nausea
  • Acid Reflux
  • Acne rosacea
  • Skin Rashes 
  • Restless legs 
  • Joint pain
  • Weight loss or gain 
  • Food sensitivities 
  • Incontinence 
  • Headaches 
  • Interstitial cystitis 
  • Rheumatoid arthritis 
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 
  • Fibromyalgia 

The only way to currently diagnose SIBO is by taking a SIBO breath test. The test works by measuring the production of hydrogen or methane gas after the ingestion of glucose or lactulose. If there is an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine, large quantities of fermentation gases will be produced and can be detected in a breath sample. 

The lactulose test is most useful for diagnosing bacterial overgrowth in the end of the small intestine. This is commonly associated with constipation dominant IBS.

The glucose test is most effective for assessing bacterial overgrowth in the upper part of the small intestine. This is typically present in cases of diarrhoea dominant IBS 

A SIBO test is recommended to those who: 

  • Suffer from IBS, especially if there is a lot of abdominal bloating and gas 
  • Have one of the conditions above that may be aggravated by SIBO
  • Have unexplained digestive symptoms as well as vague symptoms such as fatigue, headaches and joint pains

Thyroid Screen Plus

This test requires a sample of breath. There should be a 24 hour preparation period prior to starting the test, which should be started with a 12-hour preparation diet followed by a 12 hour overnight fast, this process will take 3 hours to collect the samples at timed intervals.

You will receive your test kit within 2 working days of your order. Your sample needs to be sent using guaranteed next day delivery or via courier – (not included in price)


The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located just below the Adam’s apple. It is responsible for running the body’s metabolism. This means it affects how fast processes run inside every single cell. 

The thyroid gland produces a hormone called thyroxine (T4). This is converted by an enzyme to the active form – tri-iodothyronine (T3), which is used by the body’s cells.  

The amount of thyroid hormones produced each day is controlled by two other glands – the hypothalamus and pituitary. They constantly measure the amount of circulating thyroid hormones and tell the thyroid gland when to produce more using thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). 

If there is a break down in this monitoring system, or the thyroid is damaged or is there are insufficient raw materials to make thyroid hormones, or the T4 isn’t properly converted to T3, then thyroid dysfunction can occur. 

Underproduction of thyroid hormones is called hypothyroidism. It results in a slowing of metabolism. This leads to symptoms such as: 

  • Weight gain 
  • Feeling cold  
  • Fatigue 
  • Weakness 
  • Coarse, dry hair 
  • Dry, rough pale skin 
  • Hair loss 
  • Muscle aches 
  • Constipation 
  • Low mood or irritability 
  • Memory problems
  • Abnormal menstrual cycles 
  • Decreased libido 

Overproduction of thyroid hormones is called hyperthyroidism. This results in the metabolism going into overdrive, causing: 

  • Restlessness and agitation 
  • Anxiety 
  • Tremors 
  • Weight loss despite an increased appetite 
  • Sweating, 
  • Rapid heart rate 
  • Intolerance to heat
  • Frequent bowel movements 

Thyroid imbalances can be caused by a problem with the pituitary or hypothalamus, damage to the thyroid, nutritional deficiencies, or by the immune system attacking or accidentally stimulating the thyroid gland.  

The thyroid tests carried out by GP usually only measure the levels of TSH and T4. This will indicate if there is a serious thyroid pathology but it doesn’t give any information about the cause of the problem. These tests also won’t pick up problems that occur as a result of T4 not being properly converted to T3.  

The thyroid plus screen gives a much more complete analysis of thyroid function. It includes: 

  • TSH – This hormone comes from the pituitary to stimulate the thyroid gland into making more hormone.
  • TSH rises when the thyroid is struggling. 
  • Total T4 – T4 lowers when the thyroid is struggling and goes up in hyperthyroidism. 
  • Free T4 – The unbound form of T4, this lowers when the thyroid is struggling and will be high if the thyroid has gone into overdrive. 
  • Free T3 – T3 is the active thyroid hormone used by the body’s cells. Low levels of T3 could indicate a problem with thyroid hormone conversion. 
  • Reverse T3 – This is a ‘non-active’ form of T3 that if produced in high amounts can stop the normal T3 from functioning correctly. 
  • Anti-thyroglobulin and Anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies – These antibodies are present when the immune system is attacking and damaging the thyroid. High levels indicate an autoimmune cause of thyroid dysfunction. 

A Thyroid Plus Screen is recommended for those who: 

  • Suffer with the symptoms of thyroid dysfunction 
  • Are struggling to lose weight 
  • Have been diagnosed with a thyroid problem but would like to investigate and address the root cause 
  • Present with all the symptoms of an underactive thyroid but GP blood tests have come back normal for TSH and Total T4.

Metabolomix Profile

This test requires a sample of the first-morning urine

You will receive your test kit within 2 working days of your order.

Your sample needs to be sent using guaranteed next day delivery or via courier – (not included in price)

Turnaround time for receiving results is 19 working days. We will be sent your results first and will then dispatch them to you. We offer a service to interpret your results and provide you with recommendations to improve any findings within them. This would require an initial consultation with us.


Are you getting enough nutrients to function optimally?  

Severe nutrient deficiencies may be a thing of the past in the developed world, but changes in food quality, busier lifestyles and health conditions that compromise nutrient absorption can all impact on our nutrient status.  

Signs and symptoms of nutrient insufficiency can develop long before true deficiency occurs. Without adequate levels of nutrients, the body has to prioritise certain pathways over others resulting in some processes in the body becoming compromised.  

This can manifest as: 

  • Brittle hair and nails 
  • Frequent mouth ulcers 
  • Cracking at the corners of the mouth 
  • Bleeding gums 
  • Poor night vision
  • White spots on the nails 
  • Dry and scaly skin 
  • Dandruff
  • Hair loss
  • Little bumps on the backs of the arms 
  • Restless legs
  • Fatigue
  • Poor sleep
  • Mood changes 

The ONE test is the most comprehensive way to assess nutrient status. Traditional blood tests are only able to give a snapshot of the nutrient levels in the bloodstream.

They don’t reveal anything about whether the body is using the nutrients effectively.  

What’s more, not all nutrients can be measured in the blood. Some nutrients are stored in places such as the liver and some of them are kept within such tightly controlled limits in the bloodstream that blood tests will only show a problem when severe deficiencies exist.  

The ONE test is a functional nutritional assessment. This means that it measures key pathways in the body to see if the body is absorbing and utilising nutrients effectively.

It uses over 80 different biomarkers to give an in-depth understanding of individual diet and supplementation needs. The analysis is done using a urine sample from first thing in the morning. 

The biomarkers measured gives an overall picture of health that includes assessment of: 

  • Digestion and absorption 
  • Energy production
  • Amino acid balance – these are the building blocks of proteins
  • Neurotransmitter metabolism (neurotransmitters are involved in mood)
  • Vitamin and mineral need
  • Toxin exposure and detoxification efficiency
  • Oxidative stress – the balance of free radicals and antioxidants in the body 

The results can then be used to plan a personalised diet and supplement plan to support nutrient absorption, top up any insufficiencies, and ensure optimal function of all areas of health. 

This test is recommended for those who: 

  • Suffer from signs and symptoms of nutrient insufficiency 
  • Have long term unexplained fatigue 
  • Want to improve health and nutritional status
  • Aim to optimise sports performance
  • Have a history of poor diet and nutrient intake
  • Suffer from a digestive disease that affects absorption 

Comprehensive Adrenal Stress Profile

Requires a sample of saliva.

You will receive your test kit within 2 working days of your order.

Your sample needs to be sent guaranteed next day delivery or via courier – (not included in price)

Turnaround time for receiving results 12 days. We will be sent your results first and will then dispatch them to you. We offer a service to interpret your results and provide you with recommendations to improve any findings within them. This would require an initial consultation with us.


The adrenals are two small glands that sit on top of the kidneys. Their job is to produce key hormones that run the sleep-wake cycle and allow us to respond to stress. In a healthy body, the main adrenal hormones cortisol and DHEA are produced in balance, and in a regular pattern through the day. The levels of these hormones should be high in the morning when you wake up and gradually decrease through the day to reaching their lowest point at bedtime. 

Cortisol is the main stress hormone produced by the adrenals. It helps us to wake up in the morning and to respond to challenging situations. It is also a potent anti-inflammatory hormone. However, cortisol can suppress immune function, raise blood sugar and inhibit thyroid function if levels are too high for too long. 

DHEA helps to protect the body from the negative effects of cortisol. It is a very powerful anti-ageing hormone. Low levels of DHEA are associated with a higher risk of many chronic diseases. Since cortisol and DHEA have opposing effects, they should be viewed together. 

In short term stress cortisol and DHEA are produced in balance so there is little negative impact on health. In medium term stress, DHEA production can become compromised leaving cortisol running riot. This is called adrenal dysfunction and can lead to poor immune function, inflammation, central weight gain, blood sugar problems, poor detoxification, reduced bone density, memory problems and hormone imbalances. 

Stress can also result in cortisol being produced in a disordered pattern. This can lead to disturbances in the sleep-wake cycle such as morning exhaustion, night-time alertness, and difficulties sleeping. 

If stress persists long term it’s possible that the body becomes unable to output

sufficient levels of cortisol or DHEA. This is sometimes referred to as adrenal exhaustion and results in extreme fatigue, trouble getting to sleep and waking up, cravings for salt and sugar, reliance on caffeine and stimulants, and complete lack of energy and motivation.  

The best way to test cortisol and DHEA is through the saliva. Blood levels of adrenal hormones are less accurate because these hormones are bound to proteins in the blood. Saliva testing is preferred over blood because it allows us to measure the levels of free hormones. These are the ones that will actually have an action on receptors.  

Saliva samples are taken at four key time points through the day to allow assessment of the pattern of adrenal hormone production.  

The comprehensive version of this test also includes a measurement of secretory IgA.

This is an important immune protein which can be measured to determine how stress has been affecting the immune system. 

Building a complete picture of the balance of cortisol and DHEA, the rhythm of their production and the impact on immunity is vital for creating a targeted stress support protocol. 

This test is recommended for people who: 

  • Have experienced high levels of stress. 
  • Suffer from the signs and symptoms of adrenal dysfunction or adrenal exhaustion. 
  • Experience trouble getting up in the morning or getting to sleep at night. 
  • Have unexplained fatigue  
  • Suffer with a chronic immune or inflammatory health condition

Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones (Dutch) Plus

Requires a sample of urine and saliva.

You will receive your test kit within 2 working days of your order.

Your samples need to be sent guaranteed next day delivery or via courier – (not included in price)

Turnaround time for results is 16 days. We will be sent your results first and will then dispatch them to you. We offer a service to interpret your results and provide you with recommendations to improve any findings within them.

This would require an initial consultation with us.  


The DUTCH Plus test is the most comprehensive way to measure of levels of sex and stress hormones. It uses a combination of urine and saliva samples collected through the day to assess hormone levels, metabolites and organic acids to give a complete overview of hormonal health. 

The test includes measurement of: 

  • The levels of sex the hormones oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone – these are important for reproductive health 
  • The balance of oestrogen metabolism – oestrogen can be metabolised through a variety of pathways.
  • Some of these are less beneficial than others. Healthy oestrogen metabolism is important for bone health, reproductive function and cancer prevention. 
  • The balance of androgen metabolism – androgens are male sex hormones and can be converted to more or less potent metabolites. The balance of these metabolites can be a factor in conditions such as acne, male pattern baldness and prostate enlargement  
  • The levels of the stress hormones cortisol and DHEA and their metabolites – these hormones co-ordinate our sleep wake cycle and ability to respond to life’s challenges. They can become imbalanced during long-term stress. 
  • The cortisol awakening response – this acts as a mini stress test to see how well your body is prepared to start each day.  
  • The level melatonin – this is the neurotransmitter than is responsible for inducing sleep 
  • The levels of the neurotransmitters dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin – these are important messengers involved in mood and motivation 
  • Markers for the level of vitamin B12 and Vitamin B6 – these vitamins are important for the production
  • and metabolism of hormones and neurotransmitters 
  • Markers for glutathione and DNA damage – this can be used to determine how much oxidative stress the body is under. Essentially how well are the body’s antioxidant defences coping with their current load of free radicals 

This test is recommended for people who have: 

  • A health condition related to a hormonal imbalance such as endometriosis, irregular menstrual cycle, pre-menstrual syndrome, polycystic ovary syndrome, fibroids, fertility problems, acne, enlarged prostate, osteoporosis or a hormone-sensitive cancer. 
  • Experienced long-term high levels of stress 
  • Difficulty sleeping or waking up in the morning 
  •  Fatigue, low mood, lack of motivation or other vague unexplained symptoms