Grain & Sugar Free Breakfast Crumble

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Grain & Sugar Free Breakfast Crumble
  1. Chop strawberries and rhubarb to desired coarseness.
  2. Toss in vanilla, lemon zest and juice.
  3. Spread into a baking dish (9x9 or 9" pie dish).
  4. In a separate bowl mix chopped nuts, shredded coconut and melted coconut oil. Add spices if desired. If you prefer a finer consistency of crumble, you can pop the nuts in a processor to make more of a flour, and then mix with the coconut oil, coconut and spices.
  5. Sprinkle mixture evenly across the top. Bake for about 45 minutes at 350º or until nut topping is light golden-brown, and rhubarb is soft.
  6. Serve hot or cold. If you are having for a healthy breakfast option, serve with cold coconut yoghurt.