Warm a pan for 1 min. Add ½ tbsp oil and the courgette and potato. Season with a little salt and pepper. Cover and sweat over a low heat for 5-6 mins till the veg is soft.
While the veg sweats, finely chop the chilli (flick out the seeds for less heat). Stir most of the chilli into the veg (keep a little for garnishing). Add the coconut milk and 300ml stock. Cover and bring to the boil. Turn the heat down a little and simmer for 15-20 mins.
Stir the spinach into the soup and let it wilt for 5 mins. Next add the collagen powder.
Ladle into a blender and blitz, or use a hand-held blender in the pan. Once the soup is smooth, taste and add more salt and pepper if you think it needs it. Ladle into warm bowls and sprinkle with the reserved chilli to serve.